Horn of the Abyss
Horn of the Abyss
Embark on an epic journey in Horn of the Abyss, a fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic III, standing proudly alongside the official expansions of Armageddon's Blade and Shadow of Death.
A True Tribute to Heroes of Might and Magic
Horn of the Abyss enhances the original game with a wealth of new features while preserving its legendary charm. Explore the new Cove and Factory factions, engage in challenging campaigns, and discover sparkling new artifacts and interesting map objects that enhance the game's strategic depth.
Painstakingly balanced and polished, Horn of the Abyss has been crafted with an unwavering commitment to quality. With carefully refined mechanics and a host of improvements, this expansion is a must-play for both new players and seasoned veterans. This expansion includes the careful balance changes and fixes, removal of graphical imperfections left by the developers, and the addition of a considerable amount of new content. The project is lore-oriented and attempts to keep connected with the original Might and Magic universe, with changes made to honour the vision of the original game while greatly enhancing players' experience.Cove Town
Sail the seven seas with the Captains and Navigators of the Cove and unleash the might of the depths unto your foes. The Cove is home to fearless Crewmates and their Pirate capatains, assisted in their navigation of the seas by powerful Sea Witches. However, this Regnan town has attracted more than just humans: from the water-borne Nymphs and Sea Serpents protected by their Nix friends to the soaring Stormbirds of the skies, the Cove is a place of marine diversity of all sorts. Take out your eneimes from afar with giant metal Cannon shots and the deadly accuracy of Sea Dogs aided by the shattering magic of Sorceresses; plunder their loot up close and personal with swift strikes from Haspids and Ayssids; and defend your ill-gotten gains with your dependable Seamen and Nix Warriors.Factory Town
Dive into new-age technology with the Mercenaries and Artificers of the Factory and unlock your creatures' full potential with the might of industry. Take to the skies and transcend the need for navigating tricky terrain with the brand new Airship, bringing you closer to victory with great haste. The Factory is home to plucky Halflings and their slow and steady Armadillo friends, protected by local Gunslingers, but not all natural creatures are as nice as they are - beware the burrowing Sandworm and jungle-dwelling Couatl, for they are fearsome in numbers, even if the Couatl needs some provoking to unlock its full potential. The natural evolution of humans resulted in the forming of new and curious technologies, which some have embraced fully: Mechanics were trained to help great engineers construct the explosive Automaton and eventually the colossal laser-shooting Dreadnought, both of which are able to be repaired on the battlefield if needs be.
In addition to the regular 16 heroes per town and campaign/map editor exclusive heroes from the Cove and Factory, there are a few smaller additions and changes to the roster of familiar heroes:Lord Haart the KnightWas originally in Restoration of Erathia, but was swapped out for Sir Mullich the Knight in Armageddon's Blade and Shadow of Death - he has now returned in Horn of the AbyssBeatrice the KnightScouting specialistGiselle the RangerInterference specialistRanloo the Death KnightBallista specialistKinkeria the WitchScouting specialistMiscellaneous ChangesLord Haart the Death Knight has been renamed to Haart Lich the Death Knight to avoid confusionIn regular Horn of the Abyss, heroes that would be replaced by new heroes would also be disabled - this is not the case in VCMI, where every hero is available unless banned by the map or template
Secondary Skills
Horn of the Abyss introduces Interference as a Secondary Skill to replace Resistance, which itself is now banned by default. This skill is a fairer and more balanced way to mitigate magic, as it decreases enemy Spell Power as opposed to being an unbalanced "roll-of-the-dice" skill that had the potential to render magic utterly ineffective.
A new set of golden armour infused with the power of the ocean lies in wait to be adorned by only the mightiest of heroes:Trident of Dominion: +7 Attack skillShield of Naval Glory: +7 Defense skillRoyal Armor of Nix: +6 Power skillCrown of the Five Seas: +6 Knowledge skill
Two incredibly powerful artifacts have been added that can completely change the tide of a scenario:Horn of the Abyss: Raises Fangarms from slain stacks of living creaturesSleepkeeper: Provides immunity to Mind spells
Several combination artifacts have been added that were once planned for the release of Shadow of Death with new names and fully fleshed-out abilities:Ironfist of the Ogre:+5 Attack skill, +5 Defense skill, +4 Power skill, +4 Knowledge skillCasts Expert Bloodlust, Counterstrike, Fire Shield, and Haste on all allies for 50 roundsWeapon/Shield/Helm/Torso slotsDiplomat's Cloak:-30% surrender costAllows retreat and surrender when battling neutral monsters or defending a town3x diplomatic army strengthCape/Neclakce/Ring slotsPendant of Reflection:+50% Magic ResistanceNeclakce/Cape/Feet slotsGolden Goose:+7000 Gold/dayMisc/Misc/Misc slots
Still hungry for more boons to get an edge over your enemies? Look no further than the assorted wares that Horn of the Abyss has to offer:Plate of Dying Light: -25% enemy Power skillSeal of Sunset: -10% enemy Power skillCharm of Eclipse: -10% enemy Power skillPendant of Downfall: -2 enemy MoraleRing of Suppression: -1 enemy MoraleHideous Mask: -1 enemy MoraleShaman's Puppet: -2 enemy LuckRunes of Imminency: -1 enemy LuckDemon's Horseshoe: -1 enemy LuckWayfarer's Boots: No movement penalty over rough terrainCape of Silence: Prevents either player from casting level 1 or 2 spells
Miscellaneous ChangesExternal dwellings now accumulate creatures weekly as long as they are owned by a playerSmall yet appropriate changes to overall town building cost balanceSmall yet appropriate changes to various creaturesNew map objects and creature hordesImproved Map Editor and Campaign Editor functionalityNew Template Editor to aid with Random Map GenerationThe Vault of Ashes, a new Conflux dwelling that boosts Firebird/Phoenix GrowthSpell Research system that guarantees essential spells with enough researchNew useful keybinds for easy navigation and controlling creatures' abilitiesNew terrains - Highlands and WastelandConflux's native terrain is changed to HighlandsHalflings belong to Factory instead of being Neutral
Hota Crew, ported by VCMI Team & edeksumo & avatar. 1.7 ported by Ben, Fixes by Loki Laufeyjarson
Horn of the Abyss
Factory campaign heroes in maps
Name | Description | Schools | Image |
Summon Fangarms | water |
Magical terrains
HotA campaign heroes in maps
Community Expansion
Name | Description | Schools | Image |
Special Clone | {Specialist's Basic Clone} Creates 2 duplicates of the selected unit stack. The image is dispelled if it is attacked. Clones creatures of levels 1-5. |
water |
Cove music theme by Heroes Orchestra
Cove campaign heroes in maps
Map decorations
Game balance
Neutral creatures
Spell Research
Changed shooting visuals
Name | Image | Anim | Level | Attack | Defense | Damage | Speed | HitPoints | Growth | AiValue |
Cannon | 6 | 20 | 10 | 4 - 7 | 0 | 250 | 0 | 1637 |
Name | Description | Slot | Image |
Cannon | {Cannon} Use this war machine to target your enemy troops and fortifications in combat. |
mach1 |