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Battle Obstacle Format

    // List of terrains on which this obstacle can be used
    "allowedTerrains" : []

    // List of special battlefields on which this obstacle can be used
    "specialBattlefields" : []

    // If set to true, this obstacle will use absolute coordinates. Only one such obstacle can appear on the battlefield
    "absolute" : false

    // Width of an obstacle, in hexes
    "width" : 1

    // Height of an obstacle, in hexes
    "height" : 1

    // List of tiles blocked by an obstacles. For non-absolute obstacles uses relative hex indices
    "blockedTiles" : [ 0, 20, 50 ]

    // For absolute obstacle - image with static obstacle. For non-absolute - animation with an obstacle
    "animation" : "",

    // If set to true, obstacle will appear in front of units or other battlefield objects
    "foreground" : false