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Creature Bank

Reward types for clearing creature bank are limited to resources, creatures, artifacts and spell. Format of rewards is same as in Rewardable Objects

    /// If true, battle setup will be like normal - Attacking player on the left, enemy on the right
    "regularUnitPlacement" : true,
    /// If true, bank placed on water will be visitable from coast (Shipwreck)
    "coastVisitable" : true,
    /// List of levels of this bank. On map loading, one of them will be randomly assigned to bank.
    "levels": [
            /// Chance for this level to be active
            "chance": 30,

            /// Description of guards, stacks will be ordered
            /// on battlefield according to this scheme:
            /// 4    7    1
            /// 6         5
            /// 3         2
            /// Possible fields:
            /// amount - size of stack
            /// type - string ID of creature for this stack
            /// upgradeChance - chance (in percent) for this stack to be upgraded
            "guards": [
                { "amount": 4, "type": "cyclop" },
                { "amount": 4, "type": "cyclop" },
                { "amount": 4, "type": "cyclop", "upgradeChance": 50 },
                { "amount": 4, "type": "cyclop" },
                { "amount": 4, "type": "cyclop" }

            /// Description of rewards granted for clearing bank
            "reward" : {

                /// Granted resources
                "resources": {
                    "wood" : 4,
                    "mercury" : 4,
                    "ore" : 4,
                    "sulfur" : 4,
                    "crystal" : 4,
                    "gems" : 4,
                    "gold" : 0

                /// Granted creatures, same format as guards
                "creatures" : [
                    { "amount": 4, "type": "wyvern" }

                /// List of random artifacts
                "artifacts": [ { "class" : "TREASURE" } ]

                /// List of spells
                "spells" : [ { "level" : 5 } ]