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Vampires only gameplay enhancements


Gameplay Enhancements for Vampires-Only Play ModeRules of the GameVampires only:
You are only allowed to play or engage in battles using only vampires or vampire lords.Secondary Heroes:Secondary heroes are permitted, but their army must consist of exactly one skeleton.If you recruit a new hero, immediately dismiss their starting army and replace it with one skeleton.Castle Garrison:
Do not leave any troops in the castle garrison. Always dismiss any surplus units.Adventure Map Army:
Any army gained from Adventure Map sources (such as dwellings, conservatories, or Pandora's boxes) must be dismissed, unless the units are vampires or vampire lords.Gameplay VariationStricter Vampires only:
You can further restrict secondary heroes by requiring them to use a vampire or vampire lord instead of a skeleton.
Note: For a refresher on vampire unit and Drain life ability visit this: Wiki







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Vampires only gameplay enhancements

Hota patch

andruids-expansion patch