Boyd |
All scary stories feature a horseman who had been hanged, stabbed or even beheaded and now rides by night, intending to exact revenge on his killers. Nonsense, a necromancer would say, a dead man risen by himself cannot have memory or will. It may well be so, but then Boyd has scores to settle not only with the traitor who slayed him, but also with the one who denied him rest in peace. |
male |
Jolly Boyder |
Jangaard |
Formerly a Regnan pirate, a favourite gladiator of Winston Boragus and an Erathian militiamen, Jangaard became the most successful mercenary swordsman in Jadame. |
male |
Scouting |
Umender |
Long ago, Umender was a Bracadan Alchemist, who liked tinkering with mechs and geodes. He moved to Jadame with his new Termotrons, which golem-like, but with magic engine and more powerfull. It is known that he makes engines from some kind of crystals. There are many gossips about the crystals' origins. Some people say that he was using gremlins to mine these crystals and found a never-ending vein of magic crystals. |
male |
Termotrons |
Victoria |
Best spellcasters are actually capable of resurrecting dead, but can a soldier who stepped on a mine count on it? Dealing with such an insidious weapon, Victoria did not get the respect of her colleagues, and yet she devoted her life to improving it. The inventor found another use for her knowledge after she met Floribert - making mechanical limbs for crippled soldiers. |
female |
Land Mine |
Judith |
Judith leads the top 10 of the most wanted rogues in Erathia, Bracada, AvLee, Tatalia, Deyja and ever Eeofol. Hiding from the officials, local militia and even demons, she fled to Jadame. Judith now serves as a mercenary for Von Frederich. There are even gossips that she is a sleeper agent. |
female |
Rogues |
Todd |
Few Bracada scientists have actually seen, let alone handled, a hammer or a furnace. Todd, however, had to learn how to use them, unable to convey his esoteric ideas to blacksmiths and coppersmiths. There was also a scarcity of instruments and materials vital to his research in Bracada; Todd journeyed halfway around the world in search of them before finding what he sought in Burton. |
male |
Automatons |
Agar |
Many thought that the warlock Agar was a madman, and then a dead man. While the latter has been proven incorrect, there is still no unanimity in Enroth's scientific community on the former. Indeed, Agar's creations are undeniably viable and functional - but could a scientist in his right mind think of instilling such nasty inclinations and proclivities in a living being? |
male |
Sandworms |
Bertram |
Few dwarves are capable of not just making a fortune, but also of making it work. Bertram left his father's house as soon as his beard grew two fingers long. Wandering around Antagarich, he grew fabulously rich through investing in al chemical and magical ventures. His gold paid for the embodiment of many ideas that today underpin Burton's power. |
male |
Gold |
Celestine |
The AvLeean druid, who had lost his grove, traversed the world, imparting knowledge on anyone who sought it. He left the secrets of natural magic and his daughter Mirlanda in Tatalia, while in Eeofol, Celestine was born, inheriting another facet of his talent. Her father taught her how to tame the most violent beasts, offering them friendship, rather than the Tatalian beastmasters' trademark ruthless treatment. |
female |
Armadillos |
Dury |
Dury spent the longest time in search for a magician who would not just promise to, but actually eliminate the repercussions of wounds she had sustained in dozens of clashes. One excellent blacksmith was able to forge a siertal plate to replace the part of her skull caved in by a wyvern's tail, and the mercenary now values fine armor far more than any magical malarkey. |
female |
Armorer |
Eanswythe |
According to hearsays, it was Eanswythe who concocted the potion that poisoned Regna's first emperor Hareck before fleeing for Jadame. If that is indeed the case, then she must be at least 6 centuries old. Ordinary people don't live that long, and whoever this enigmatic crone is, everyone knows: she merely has to raise an eyebrow to make even those most formidable solders drop their swords and spears. |
female |
Weakness |
Floribert |
Floribert is regarded as one of Enroth's finest field surgeons, having introduced numerous new tools that speed up manipulations and therefore alleviate the suffering of the wounded. Floribert gets a steady supply of practicing material from his girlfriend Victoria's experiments. |
female |
First Aid |
Frederick |
Frederick has been living the life of an ordinary Bracadian mage and alchemist, even if he has been a bit more curious than his fellows. Such curiosity made him experiment with mechanisms first, and then conduct forbidden research. As a result, Frederick had to flee from Bracada, and now he searches for a better place to devote himself to what he wants. |
male |
Automatons |
Henrietta |
Even a humble halfling from the Eeofol backwoods is capable of a feat when an unprecedented calamity knocks at the door. The new world, devoid of thatched roofs, carrot beds, or the incessant grumbling of geezers, has changed Henrietta, and she is now ready to change it herself. Kreegan fire reduces her homeland to ashes and scorched her heart, but she used it to forge herself a steel will. |
female |
Halflings |
Melchior |
Melchior can see everything that is going on in the deepest recesses of someone else's mind. This secret talent provides a crucial advantage when assessing the foe's strength and intentions and convincing him to agree to terms. Any prince who enlists Melchior's services can be certain of never having to plead for a disgraceful peace. |
male |
Diplomacy |
Morton |
Morton, a veteran of Goblin-Ogre Wars and one of the few who survived the assault on Gowdar Deep, vowed vengeance on the ''dirtskins'' for the massacre that wiped his home off the face of Jadame. He gauges the quality of his ballistae by the number of ogres they can piece with a single shot. |
male |
Ballista |
Murdoch |
Murdoch is a man to call a professional soldier of fortune. He barely likes anything more than money and fame. That is why Murdoch gathered a company of daredevils of his own kind and went to seek adventures on the landscapes of Jadame. Who knows where his fate will take him next time? |
male |
Archery |
Sam |
Since ancient times, earth oil has wreaked havoc on the farmers of Jadame, erupting in fountains and laying waste to their crops and pastures. Sam, the daughter and apprentice of a skilled blacksmith, was the first to tame this black beast by forcing it into a pipe and making it heat her forge. Her inventions made earth oil into Burton's blood, food, and arms. |
female |
Mechanics |
Tancred |
Back in his alchemist days, Tancred discovered an ancient recipe for a concoction that exploded without the use of magic. To his great dismay, the crucial component - saltpeter - was nearly entirely absent from Antagarich. Only in Jadame did Tancred discover vast caves full of this rare element and perfect the design of the arquebus that hurls tiny bullets with this awesome power. |
male |
Gunslingers |
Tarnum |
Judged by the Ancestors as unworthy of entering Paradise, Tarnum wanders the land seeking redemption for the crimes of his past. He is the Immortal Hero, a timeless protector, but personally troubled by the doubt that he can ever make up for the tremendous wrongs that he performed in his youth. |
male |
Forces of the Heavenly Forge |
Tavin |
Tavin is barely the only halfling who joined the army of Erathia. Other halflings disapprove his way of living as these creatures do not like adventures. however, his folks respect Tavin, even if they fear a bit and tend to avoid him. When Kreegans invaded Eeofol, Tavin quickly became a leader of local resistance, and is still ready to defend his homeland. |
male |
Offence |
Wrathmont |
Wrathmont's volatile temper got him into countless problems in his life, most notably during the carve-up of Archibald Ironfist's estate, when former colleagues banded together against the warlock, weary of his tantrums. Barely escaping them, Wrathmont fled to Enroth. He spent years searching for and studying old stone tablets, learning to control his fury and stoke it in others instead. |
male |
Frenzy |
Wynona |
Dark elves are renowned as travelers and explorers. Since she was a girl, Wynona loved exploring the wilderness outside Alvar and the Murmurwoods, tracking animals and taking notes of their habits. She eventually became the foremost expert on Jadamean fauna, having learned a great deal from her flying, crawling, and hopping friends. |
female |
Scouting |
Ziph |
Ziph had long served as a maid to an old mage who looked down on her and her kin. The wizard had no idea that ''ziph'' meant ''freedom'' in Gremlish, much less did he suspect that she was listening in on his lectures. One day, Ziph crammed half of her master's lab into a magic bag, hid in a ship's hold, and fled Bracada for good. |
female |
Lightning Bolt |