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Town Farriery based on old Forge project. Connected with Spoiled Land inside New Terrains Pack submods (see Screenshots TAB).




Polish modders team, zeryss



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Name Image Anim Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Grunt Soldier 1 4 4 1 - 3 4 8 15 135
Foot Soldier 1 6 6 2 - 3 9 10 15 177
Cyber Dead 2 6 5 2 - 4 6 20 8 211
Cyber Zombie 2 9 9 2 - 5 6 25 8 243
Incenerator 3 10 5 5 - 6 6 18 7 404
Purifier 3 11 10 5 - 6 8 35 7 404
Stringer 4 12 8 8 - 14 4 50 3 839
Bruiser 4 13 10 10 - 14 6 70 3 1089
Jump Soldier 5 15 13 10 - 20 8 60 3 1168
Jump Trooper 5 18 18 15 - 20 11 65 3 1262
Tank 6 18 15 20 - 25 6 130 2 2449
Heavy Tank 6 18 20 35 - 35 8 130 2 2809
Mechanical Dragon 7 21 21 35 - 65 8 160 1 3683
Hydraulic Dragon 7 32 35 35 - 65 11 350 1 11000
Arkhon 0 5 5 6 - 12 4 40 9 156
Acid Dragon 10 30 30 70 - 80 17 850 1 18029
Mortira 6 19 11 9 - 14 0 132 0 1850




Name Description Slot Image
Mortira {Mortira}

The universal war machine mortira allows you to attack the walls of fortified enemy units.


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Steraks Steraks mad scientist, who became the undead from their experiments, but continuously works. male Special Upgrades
Horna Being an orphan, Horna was raised by druids who put all the children on a strict regimen of chores, study, prayer, and more chores. Today he is at home in the woods under the starry sky, while his lust for freedom has made him the Grove's best scout. male Logistics
Seprinteer In his youth, Seprinteer went on many expeditions with the other goblins of Krewlod. During one of them, he found a thrower hidden in a deep cave. He learned to use it very quickly. Wielding his new weapon, he could wander wherever he wanted, because no monster was enough of a challenge for him. It was natural for him to join Castore's army as a high-ranking leader. female Grunt Soldiers
Meltes N/A male Armorer
Don Singhel Although he has unusual skills for a zombie (and above all, he can think and plan!). In Dejia he was considered only one of the soldiers. Don Singhel joined Kastore as quickly as he could. female Cyber Deads
Niclas N/A male +1 Crystals
Charity Charity was a great necromancer, but after the devils' attack on Antadari, her guild was completely destroyed. She wandered around the world until King Castore asked her to join his army. female Mech Fighters
Sunnir The Sunnir family has lived in Deyja for generations. Since childhood, Sunnir dreamed of discovering the world and accomplishing great deeds, but as a goblin, she could only serve as a servant to the necromancers. However, her lack of experience in combat means that she would never gain respect among the goblins of Krewlod. Joining Kastore's army is the perfect opportunity for her to prove her worth. male Scouting
Kastore Kastore does not want to reveal his origins to his subjects. What is known is that he is a powerful elf-wizard who knows many secrets of the Ancients. Before the creation of the Celestial Forges, he was the king of Dejia. He plans to conquer the world with the help of Ancient weapons and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. male Chain Lightning
Rengist His brother was Winston Boragus. After Kilgor came to power, Rengist realized that if he did not want to share his brother's fate, he had to leave Krewlod. He decided to join the army created by Kastore, hoping that with the help of new technology he would be able to avenge his brother. male Protective Droids
Minore Minoure has always liked to play with the minds of her enemies, which is why she was always able to get out of even the worst situations. Banished from her hometown of Bracada for practicing forbidden magic, she found a place at the side of Castor, who appreciated her unusual abilities and appointed her the commander of his army. male Berserk
Leane N/A male Stone Skin
Tarkin arkin was once an engineer in the employ of Eeofol. After losing the war with Erathia, he fled to Deyja to meet Kastore building his army. Fascinated by the technology of the Ancients, he unhesitatingly joined the plan to rebuild the Celestial Forges. female Land Mine
Maximus Little is known about King Deyja's right hand - it is rumored that his face was deformed by the technology of the Celestial Forge. However, no one can question his masterful combat skills male Offence
Cistrict N/A female Sorcery
Karen N/A male +350 Gold
Resurrecta Resurrecta does not want to reveal his origins to anyone. I plan to recreate the ancient gate system. She is one of the few people who knew Kastore before his expansion into Antadari, and perhaps the only one who can stop him. female Resurrection