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Pavilion Town


Modified and balanced version of the 'Bastion Town' ported to VCMI by edeksumo with help of Acid Cave modding community, originally conceptualised and created by New Town Group.




Bastion New Town Group, edeksumo, New Pawulon Team, Acid Cave community, VCMI community


[email protected]


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Pavilion Town


Name Image Anim Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Whipper 1 4 3 1 - 3 4 7 15 60
Overseer 1 5 5 1 - 3 5 7 15 90
Wadjet 2 7 4 2 - 3 6 15 9 180
Venomous Wadjet 2 7 5 2 - 3 8 20 9 200
Camel Rider 3 9 9 2 - 6 7 25 7 340
Desert Warrior 3 10 10 2 - 6 8 25 7 340
Priestess 4 10 7 7 - 9 5 25 4 520
High Priestess 4 12 8 7 - 9 7 30 4 550
Ammut 5 13 12 13 - 18 5 45 3 1000
Devouring Ammut 5 14 13 13 - 18 6 50 3 1300
Sphinx 6 14 16 15 - 20 7 100 2 1800
Sphinx Oracle 6 15 17 18 - 23 9 110 2 2000
Anubian 7 20 15 35 - 40 9 180 1 3850
Divine Anubian 7 30 20 35 - 45 14 250 1 7200
Preacher 5 5 6 - 12 4 40 9 156
Scarab 1 3 2 1 - 3 8 5 20 50
Emergency Tent 3 0 0 0 - 0 0 150 0 500




Name Description Schools Image
God's Scales
God's Scales Defence scaled to 0.
Specialist's Slow {Basic Spec. Slow}

Reduces the speed of the selected enemy unit.

(Effect is increased by 10% for lv 1-6 creatures.)


Name Description Slot Image
Staff Of Sand {Staff Of Sand}

This right handed weapon increases your Power skill by +4, and helps you recover 2 extra spell points per day.
Golden Scarab {Golden Scarab}

Wearing this item increases your Morale by +1, and your income by +350 gold per day.
Sun Shield {Sun Shield}

This left handed item increases your Defense skill by +5, and Magic Resistance by 10%.
Frog Of Sagacity {Frog Of Sagacity}

The Frog of Sagacity allows you to cast spells with increased effectiveness, but reduces your Knowledge skill by 2.
Mask of the Desert King {Mask of the Desert King}

Worn on the head, this item increases your Knowledge skill by +4, and increases the chance wandering creatures will offer to join the hero’s army.
Ring of Scorching {Ring of Scorching}

Worn on a finger, this item causes your Fire spells to inflict an additional 25% damage.
Emergency Tent {Emergency Tent}

The Emergency Tent is sturdier, more efficient than First Aid Tent and revives units (the effect doesn't last past the battle).


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Amanra Amanra was the first daughter of a powerful Vizier but laws of the land foiled her ambition to inherit the family’s legacy. She turned to the dark arts to seize her birthright by force. female Sorcery
Amesh Amesh is the only human known to have gone toe to toe with a Sphinx during a riddling competition. His love for solving riddles and coming up with the new ones has gained him a notoriety and great respect among these esoteric creatures. male Sphinxes
Azarias Azarias dedicated his life to studying wild creatures around the world. As it turned into obsession, he started to spend most of his time in the wilderness, but as a result, his insight of many beasts’ strengths and weaknesses became unparelleled. male Wadjets
Cassandra Cassandra’s cold and unyielding character comes to light every time she settles her province’s matters as a high judge. Her incorruptible spirit and harsh punishments yielded her the sympathy of Ammuts, ever fond of feasts that each execution brings. male Ammuts
Elspeth Elspeth braved the endless desert uncountable number of times and seems to know all of its secrets by heart. All of her troops always seem invigorated and filled with unknown force, perhaps thanks to the fabled spring of life? male Passive Bonus: Life Source
Gideon Gideon has been born with the favour of gods and this is probably why he has grown so reckless. It was a surprise to many that he didn't grow into a zealous warrior, but he still seems to consider blades and arrows randomly breaking on his chest as a welcome boon. male Armorer
Jaffa Jaffa was a servant of a cruel overlord and had to torture innocents at his master’s behest. When the opportunity of a coup presented itself, he was first to join the rebels and made a vow to use his powers only for good the moment he had finally plunged a dagger into the tyrant’s chest. male Meteor Shower
Keila Young Keila never sought fame or approval, but when a grand magus invited her to work for him, she couldn’t refuse. Rewriting hundreds of parchments and tomes gave her great deal of arcane knowledge and satisfaction. female Specialist's Slow
Ko-Eset Ko-Eset of enigmatic Falcon clan never shuns from lucrative opportunities and risky ventures. The jealous often accuse her of dabbling in sorcery but her industrious spirit and foresight are sole reasons for her wealth. female +350 Gold
Marzum Marzum made his name as a sadistic and influential nabob by constantly exploiting his servants. It is said that there is nothing he loves more than a sound of the whip cracking on human skin. male Whippers
Menet Menet is said to be the first to undergo the metamorphosis. She treats other Priestesses like her daughters, helping and supporting them in service of the Goddess, and they repay her in kind. female Priestesses
Osir Osir’s family wealth allowed his healing talents to bloom under the tutelage of most esteemed priests. Sometimes, he ponders his unfulfilled ambition to become a powerful magus, but he takes great pride in his craft and eagerly aids the weak and the ill. male First Aid
Peth-Shub Peth-Shub of enigmatic Falcon clan served the royal court for many years. Thanks to his intuition and keen eye, he eliminated numerous threats to the Pharaoh and became one of the most trusted guardians. male Eagle Eye
Sekhem As an aspect of the Goddess’ rage, Sekhem is unfit to live with her sisters at the temple. In attempt to quench the undying thirst for blood and gore, she seeks battle during the times of war and unrest. male Offense
Seref Seref’s fierce, yet protective nature has been widely known ever since she became an initiate. It surprised no one that she was chosen as one of the Goddess’ aspects – a shield that protects Her faithful. female Fire Shield
Zamonth Zamonth could never accept that necromantic arts had been banned by the priest caste. It was only because of his almost divine status that he was allowed to keep dark tomes containing the forbidden knowledge. male Mummies
Bast As everyone knows, Priestesses do not like to hurry. They do everything carefully and with grace, but Bast is different. On a horseback, she can outrun the fastest riders. female Logistics
Varn The only thing Varn could remember when he woke up in the middle of the desert, was his name. He wanders seeking answers to the mystery of his past and his purpose. male Anubians

Dunes terrain

Desert Objects