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Bonus Types

The bonuses were grouped according to their original purpose. The bonus system allows them to propagate freely between the nodes, however they may not be recognized properly beyond the scope of original use.

General-purpose bonuses


Bonus placeholder that gives no effect


Changes morale of affected units

  • val: change in morale, eg. 1, -2


Changes luck of affected units

  • val: change in luck


Changes mastery level of spells of affected heroes and units. Examples are magic plains terrain and magic school secondary skills

  • subtype: school of magic
  • val: level


On each turn, hides area in fog of war around affected town for all players other than town owner. Currently does not work for any entities other than towns.

  • val: radius in tiles

Player bonuses

Intended to be setup as global effect, AI cheat etc.


Bonus that does not account for propagation and gives specific amount of extra resources per day

  • subtype: resource identifier
  • val: - resource amount


Bonus that does not account for propagation and gives extra resources per day with amount multiplied by number of owned towns

  • subtype: resource identifier
  • val: - base resource amount to be multiplied times number of owned towns

Hero bonuses


Increases amount of movement points available to affected hero on new turn

  • subtype:
  • heroMovementLand: only land movement will be affected
  • heroMovementSea: only sea movement will be affected
  • val: number of movement points (100 points for a tile)


Allows movement over water for affected heroes

  • val: Penalty to movement, in percent (Basic Water Walk - 40, Advanced Water Walk - 20)


Allows flying movement for affected heroes

  • val: Penalty to movement, in percent


Eliminates terrain penalty on certain terrain types for affected heroes (Nomads ability).

Note: to eliminate all terrain penalties see ROUGH_TERRAIN_DISCOUNT bonus

  • subtype: type of terrain, eg terrain.sand


Affected units will view any terrain as native. This means army containing these creature will have no movement penalty, and will be able to see Mines and Quick Sand in battle.


Changes selected primary skill for affected heroes and units

  • subtype: primary skill
  • additional info: 1 - only for melee attacks, 2 - only for ranged attacks


Reveal area of fog of war around affected heroes when hero is recruited or moves

  • val: radius in tiles


Restores specific amount of mana points for affected heroes on new turn

  • val: amount of spell points to restore


Restores entire mana pool for affected heroes on new turn


Allows mixing of creaturs of neutral and good factions in affected armies without penalty to morale (Angelic Alliance effect)


Changes surrender cost for affected heroes

  • val: decrease in cost, in percentage


Allows to raise different creatures than Skeletons after battle.

  • subtype: creature raised
  • val: Necromancer power
  • addInfo: Level of Necromancy secondary skill (1 - Basic, 3 - Expert)
  • Example (from Cloak Of The Undead King):
    "subtype" : "creature.walkingDead",
    "addInfo" : 1


Determines chance for affected heroes to learn spell cast by enemy hero after battle

  • val: chance to learn spell, percentage


Allows affected heroes to learn spell cast by enemy hero after battle

  • val: maximal level of spell that can be learned


Allows affected heroes to learn spells from each other during hero exchange

  • val: maximal level of spell that can be learned


Reduces movement point penalty when moving on terrain with movement cost higher than base movement cost Cannot reduce movement cost lower than base movement cost. See the movementCostBase parameter in the game config and the BASE_TILE_MOVEMENT_COST bonus type. Used for the Pathfinding skill

  • val: penalty reduction, in movement points per tile.


Change the minimum cost required to move from one tile to another while off-road by the specified value. Has no effect on road movement. Used for pathfinding in HotA

  • val: positive value increases the minimum cost, negative value decreases it.


Increases probability for wandering monsters to join army of affected heroes

  • val: change in disposition factor when calculating join chance


Allows affected heroes to position army before start of battle (Tactics)

  • val: distance within which hero can reposition his troops


Reduces distance in which enemy hero can reposition. Counters BEFORE_BATTLE_REPOSITION bonus

  • val: distance within which hero can reposition his troops


Increases experience gain from all sources by affected heroes

  • val: additional experience bonus, percentage


Defines percentage of enemy troops that will be raised after battle into own army (Necromancy). Raised unit is determined by IMPROVED_NECROMANCY bonus

  • val: percentage of raised troops


Defines percentage of mana points that hero gains per each point of knowledge (Intelligence)

  • val: percentage of mana points per knowledge


Gives additional attacks to specific creatures in affected army (Artillery)

  • subtype: creature to give additional attacks
  • val: number of attacks


Gives specific creature in affected army chance to deal additional damage (Artillery)

  • subtype: creature to give additional damage chance
  • val: chance to deal additional damage, percentage


Defines additional damage dealt for creatures affected by BONUS_DAMAGE_CHANCE bonus (Artillery)

  • subtype: creature to give additional damage percentage
  • val: bonus damage, percentage


Defines maximum level of spells than hero can learn from any source (Wisdom)

  • val: maximal level to learn

Hero specialties


Gives additional bonus to effect of specific spell based on level of creature it is cast on

  • subtype: identifier of affected spell
  • val: bonus to spell effect, percentage, divided by target creature level


Gives additional bonus to effect of all spells of selected school

  • subtype: affected spell school
  • val: spell effect bonus, percentage


Gives additional bonus to effect of specific spell

  • subtype: identifier of affected spell
  • val: bonus to spell effect, percentage


Gives creature under effect of this spell additional bonus, which is hardcoded and depends on the creature tier.

  • subtype: affected spell identifier, ie. spell.haste


Modifies 'val' parameter of spell effects that give bonuses by specified value. For example, Aenain makes Disrupting Ray decrease target's defense by additional 2 points:

"disruptingRay" : {
    "addInfo" : -2,
    "subtype" : "spell.disruptingRay",
  • subtype: affected spell identifier
  • addInfo: value to modify 'val' parameter of targeted spell effects by


Changes 'val' parameter of spell effects that give bonuses to a specified value. For example, Fortune cast by Melody always modifies luck by +3:

"fortune" : {
    "addInfo" : 3,
    "subtype" : "spell.fortune",
  • subtype: affected spell identifier
  • addInfo: value to set 'val' parameter of targeted spell effects to


Allows creature being upgraded to another creature (Gelu, Dracon)

  • subtype: identifier of creature that can being upgraded
  • addInfo: identifier of creature to which perform an upgrade

Artifact bonuses


Changes duration of timed spells cast by affected hero

  • val: additional duration, turns
  • subtype: optional, identifier of affected spells, or all if not set


Allows affected heroes to cast specified spell, even if this spell is banned in map options or set to "special".

  • subtype: spell identifier
  • val: skill level mastery (0 - 3)


Allows affected heroes to cast any spell of specified level. Does not grant spells banned in map options.

  • subtype: spell level, in form "spellLevelX" where X is desired level (1-5)


Allows affected heroes to cast any spell of specified school. Does not grant spells banned in map options.

  • subtype: spell school


Affected heroes will add specified resources amounts to player treasure on new day

  • subtype: resource identifier
  • val: additional daily income


Increases weekly growth of creatures in affected towns (Legion artifacts)

  • value: number of additional weekly creatures
  • subtype: dwelling level, in form creatureLevelX where X is desired level (1-7)


Increases weekly growth of creatures in affected towns (Statue of Legion)

  • val: additional growth, percentage


Heroes affected by this bonus can not retreat or surrender in battle (Shackles of War effect)


Negates all natural immunities for affected stacks. (Orb of Vulnerability)

  • subtype:
  • immunityBattleWide: Entire battle will be affected by bonus
  • immunityEnemyHero: Only enemy hero will be affected by bonus


In battle, army affected by this bonus will cast spell at the very start of the battle. Spell is always cast at expert level.

  • subtype: spell identifier
  • val: duration of the spell, in rounds


Heroes affected by this bonus will not lose all movement points when embarking or disembarking ship. Movement points are converted depending on max land and water movement range.


Heroes affected by this bonus won't lose army when moving through whirlpool

Creature bonuses


Increases maximum hit point of affected units

  • val: additional hit points to gain


Increases movement speed of units in battle

  • val: additional movement speed points


Increases base damage of creature in battle

  • subtype:
  • creatureDamageMin: increases only minimal damage
  • creatureDamageMax: increases only maximal damage
  • creatureDamageBoth: increases both minimal and maximal damage
  • val: additional damage points


Increases starting amount of shots that unit has in battle

  • val: additional shots

Creature abilities

Static abilities and immunities


Affected unit is considered to not be alive and not affected by morale and certain spells


Affected unit is considered to not be alive and not affected by morale and certain spells but should be repairable from engineers (factory).


Affected unit is considered to be a gargoyle and not affected by certain spells


Affected unit is considered to be undead, which makes it immune to many effects, and also reduce morale of allied living units.


Affected unit is considered to be a siege machine and can not be raised, healed, have morale or move. All War Machines should have this bonus.


Affected unit is dragon. This bonus proved no effect, but is used as limiter several effects.


Affected unit will take more damage from units under Slayer spell effect

  • val: required skill mastery of Slayer spell to affect this unit


Affected unit is immune to Fear ability


Affected units can not receive good or bad luck


Affected units can not receive good or bad morale

Combat abilities


Affected unit can fly on the battlefield

  • subtype:
  • movementFlying: creature will fly (slowly move across battlefield)
  • movementTeleporting: creature will instantly teleport to destination, skipping movement animation.


Affected unit can shoot


Affected unit is immune to JOUSTING ability of (ie. Champions).


Affected unit can perform additional attacks. Attacked unit will retaliate after each attack if able.

  • val: number of additional attacks to perform


Affected unit will always retaliate if able (Royal Griffin)


Affected unit can retaliate multiple times per turn (basic Griffin)

  • value: number of additional retaliations


Affected unit will deal more damage based on movement distance (Champions)

  • val: additional damage per passed tile, percentage


Affected unit will deal more damage when attacking specific creature

  • subtype - identifier of hated creature, ie. "creature.genie"
  • val - additional damage, percentage


Affected unit ranged attack will use animation and range of specified spell (Magog, Lich)

  • subtype - spell identifier
  • value - spell mastery level


Affected unit attacks creatures located on tiles to left and right of targeted tile (Cerberus). Only directly targeted creature will attempt to retaliate


Affected unit attacks all adjacent creatures (Hydra). Only directly targeted creature will attempt to retaliate


Affected unit attacks creature located directly behind targeted tile (Dragons). Only directly targeted creature will attempt to retaliate


Like TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH but affects also two additional cratures (in triangle form from target tile)


Affected unit can return to his starting location after attack (Harpies)


Affected unit will ignore specified percentage of attacked unit defense (Behemoth)

  • val: amount of defense points to ignore, percentage


Affected units will receive reduced damage from attacks by other units

  • val: damage reduction, percentage
  • subtype:
  • damageTypeMelee: only melee damage will be reduced
  • damageTypeRanged: only ranged damage will be reduced
  • damageTypeAll: all damage will be reduced


Affected units will deal increased damage when attacking other units

  • val: damage increase, percentage
  • subtype:
  • damageTypeMelee: only melee damage will increased
  • damageTypeRanged: only ranged damage will increased


Affected units will deal reduced damage when attacking other units (Blind or Paralyze spells)

  • val: damage reduction, percentage


Affected units will receive increased bonus to defense while defending

  • val: additional bonus to defense, in skill points


Affected unit will have no distance penalty when shooting. Does not negates wall penalties in sieges


Affected ranged unit will deal full damage in melee attacks


Affected unit will deal full damage when shooting over walls in sieges. Does not negates distance penalty


Affected unit can use ranged attack even when blocked by enemy unit, like with Bow of the Sharpshooter relic


Affected unit will never receive retaliations when attacking


Affected unit will gain new creatures for each enemy killed by this unit

  • val: number of units gained per enemy killed
  • subtype:
  • soulStealPermanent: creature will stay after the battle
  • soulStealBattle: creature will be lost after the battle


Affected units have chance to transform attacked unit to other creature type

  • val: chance for ability to trigger, percentage
  • subtype:
  • transmutationPerHealth: transformed unit will have same HP pool as original stack,
  • transmutationPerUnit: transformed unit will have same number of units as original stack
  • addInfo: creature to transform to. If not set, creature will transform to same unit as attacker


When battle starts, affected units will be surrounded from all side with summoned units

  • val: amount of units to summon, per stack, percentage of summoner stack size
  • subtype: identifier of creature to summon


Affected units will retaliate against ranged attacks, if able


Affected unit will never receive counterattack in ranged attacks. Counters RANGED_RETALIATION bonus


Affected unit will attack units on all hexes that surround attacked hex


Affected unit will retaliate before enemy attacks, if able

  • subtype:
  • damageTypeMelee: only melee attacks affected
  • damageTypeRanged: only ranged attacks affected. Note that unit also requires ability to retaliate in ranged, such as RANGED_RETALIATION bonus
  • damageTypeAll: any attacks are affected


Affected unit will attack units on all hexes that surround attacked hex in ranged attacks


Affected unit will kills additional units after attack

  • val: chance to trigger, percentage
  • subtype:
  • destructionKillPercentage: kill percentage of units,
  • destructionKillAmount: kill amount
  • addInfo: amount or percentage to kill


Affected unit can use ranged attacks only within specified range

  • val: max shooting range in hexes
  • addInfo: optional, range at which ranged penalty will trigger (default is 10)


Affected unit will attack additional times if killed creatures in target unit during attacking (including ADDITIONAL_ATTACK bonus attacks)

  • val: amount of additional attacks (negative number will reduce number of unperformed attacks if any left)
  • addInfo: optional, amount of creatures needed to kill (default is 1)


Affected unit will ignore specified percentage of attacked unit attack (Nix)

  • val: amount of attack points to ignore, percentage


Affected unit will deal more damage based on percentage of self health lost compared to amount on start of battle (formula: square_root((total_unit_count + 1) * 1_creature_max_health / (current_whole_unit_health + 1_creature_max_health) - 1). Result is then multiplied separately by min and max base damage of unit and result is additive bonus to total damage at end of calculation)

Special abilities


Affected unit can attack walls during siege battles (Cyclops)

  • subtype: spell that describes attack parameters


Defines spell mastery level for spell used by CATAPULT bonus

  • subtype: affected spell
  • val: spell mastery level to use


Hero can control war machine affected by this bonus

  • subtype: creature identifier of affected war machine
  • val: chance to control unit, percentage


Affected units will decrease spell cost for their hero (Mage). If multiple units have this bonus only best value will be used

  • val: reduction in mana points.


Affected units will increase spell cost for enemy hero (Silver Pegasus). If multiple units have this bonus only best value will be used

  • val: increase in mana points.


All units adjacent to affected unit will receive additional spell resistance bonus. If multiple adjacent units have this bonus only best value will be used

  • val: additional resistance bonus, percentage


Affected unit will regenerate portion of its health points on its turn.

  • val: amount of health points gained per round


Affected unit will drain specified amount of mana points from enemy hero on each turn

val: spell points per turn to take


Affected unit will give his hero specified portion of mana points spent by enemy hero

  • val: spell points to give, percentage


Affected unit will heal itself, resurrecting any dead units, by amount of dealt damage (Vampire Lord)

  • val: percentage of damage that will be converted into health points


Affected unit has chance to deal double damage on attack (Death Knight)

  • val: chance to trigger, percentage


If enemy army has creatures affected by this bonus, they will skip their turn with 10% chance (Azure Dragon). Blocked by FEARLESS bonus.


Affected unit acts as healing tent and can heal allied units on each turn

  • subtype: identifier of spell that will be used for healing action


When affected unit is attacked, portion of received damage will be also dealt to the attacked. Units immune to fire magic will not receive this damage. Only melee attacks will trigger this bonus

  • val: amount to deal in return, percentage


If affected unit is targeted by a spell it will reflect spell to a random enemy unit

  • val: chance to trigger, percentage


Affected unit will deal additional damage after attack

  • val - additional damage to deal, multiplied by unit stack size
  • additional info: chance to trigger, percentage


Affected unit will kill additional units after attack. Used for Death stare (Mighty Gorgon) ability and for Accurate Shot (Pirates, HotA)

  • subtype:
  • deathStareGorgon: only melee attack, random amount of killed units
  • deathStareNoRangePenalty: only ranged attacks without obstacle (walls) or range penalty
  • deathStareRangePenalty: only ranged attacks with range penalty
  • deathStareObstaclePenalty: only ranged attacks with obstacle (walls) penalty
  • deathStareRangeObstaclePenalty: only ranged attacks with both range and obstacle penalty
  • deathStareCommander: fixed amount, both melee and ranged attacks
  • val:
  • for deathStareCommander: number of creatures to kill, total amount of killed creatures is (attacker level / defender level) * val
  • for all other subtypes: chance to kill, counted separately for each unit in attacking stack, percentage. At most (stack size * chance) units can be killed at once, rounded up
  • addInfo:
  • SpellID to be used as hit effect. If not set - 'deathStare' spell will be used. If set to "accurateShot" battle log messages will use alternative description


If player has affected unit under his control in any army, he will receive additional 3 crystals on new week (Crystal Dragons)


Affected unit will not use spellcast as default attack option

Creature spellcasting and activated abilities


Affected units can cast a spell as targeted action (Archangel, Faerie Dragon). Use CASTS bonus to specify how many times per combat creature can use spellcasting. Use SPECIFIC_SPELL_POWER, CREATURE_SPELL_POWER or CREATURE_ENCHANT_POWER bonuses to set spell power.

  • subtype: spell identifier
  • value: spell mastery level
  • additional info: weighted chance to select this spell. Can be omitted for always available spells


Affected unit will cast specified spell before his turn (Enchanter)

  • val - spell mastery level
  • subtype - spell identifier
  • additionalInfo - cooldown before next cast, in number of turns


Affected unit can cast randomly selected beneficial spell on its turn (Master Genie)

  • val - spell mastery level


Determines how many times per combat affected creature can cast its targeted spell

  • val: number of casts available per combat


  • subtype - spell id, eg. spell.iceBolt
  • value - chance (percent)
  • additional info - [X, Y, Z]
  • X - spell mastery level (1 - Basic, 3 - Expert)
  • Y = 0 - all attacks, 1 - shot only, 2 - melee only
  • Z (optional) - layer for multiple SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK bonuses and multi-turn casting. Empty or value less than 0 = not participating in layering. When enabled - spells from specific layer will not be cast until target has all spells from previous layer on him. Spell from last layer is on repeat if none of spells on lower layers expired.


  • subtype - spell id
  • value - chance %
  • additional info - [X, Y, Z]
  • X - spell mastery level (1 - Basic, 3 - Expert)
  • Y = 0 - all attacks, 1 - shot only, 2 - melee only
  • Z (optional) - layer for multiple SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK bonuses and multi-turn casting. Empty or value less than 0 = not participating in layering. When enabled - spells from specific layer will not be cast until target has all spells from previous layer on him. Spell from last layer is on repeat if none of spells on lower layers expired.


  • value: Used for Thunderbolt and Resurrection cast by units (multiplied by stack size). Also used for Healing secondary skill (for core:spell.firstAid used by First Aid tent)
  • subtype - spell id


  • value: Spell Power of offensive spell cast unit, multiplied by 100. ie. Faerie Dragons have value fo 500, which gives them 5 Spell Power for each unit in the stack.


  • val: Total duration of spells cast by creature, in turns


Affected stack will resurrect after death

  • val - percent of total stack HP restored, not rounded. For instance, when 4 Phoenixes with Rebirth chance of 20% die, there is 80% chance than one Phoenix will rise.
  • subtype:
  • rebirthRegular: Phoenix, as described above.
  • rebirthSpecial: At least one unit will always rise (Sacred Phoenix)


Affected unit is permanently enchanted with a spell, that is cast again every turn

  • subtype: spell identifier
  • val: spell mastery level. If above 3, then spell has mass effect with mastery level of (val-3)

Spell immunities


Affected unit is immune to all spell with level below or equal to value of this bonus

  • val: level of spell up to which this unit is immune to


Affected unit has a chance to resist hostile spell and avoid its effects

  • val: chance to trigger, percentage


Affected unit receives decreased damage from spells of specific school (Golems)

  • val: reduction to damage, percentage
  • subtype - spell school identifier


Affected unit receives increased damage from specific spell

  • val: increase to damage, percentage
  • subtype: spell identifier


Affected creature is immune to all mind spells and receives reduced damage from Mind Elemental


Affected unit is completely immune to effects of specific spell

  • subtype: identifier of spell to which unit is immune


Affected unit is immune to all spells of a specified spell school

  • subtype: spell school to which this unit is immune to


Affected unit can be affected by all friendly spells even it would be normally immune to such spell.

Spell effects


Unit affected by poison will lose 10% of max health every combat turn, up to val. After that, effect ends.

  • val - max health penalty from poison possible


Affected unit will deal increased damage to creatures with KING bonus

  • val: skill mastery of Slayer spell, only creatures with lower or equal value of KING bonus are affected


Affected unit has its ranged attack power reduced (Forgetfulness)

  • val: if 0 or 1, damage is reduced by 50%. If greater than 1 then creature can not use ranged attacks


Affected unit can not act and is excluded from turn order (Blind, Stone Gaze, Paralyze)

  • subtype: spell that caused this effect, optional


Affected creature always deals its minimum damage

  • val: additional decrease to unit's minimum damage, points. Can not reduce damage to zero


Affected creature always deals its maximum damage. If unit is also affected by ALWAYS_MINIMUM_DAMAGE then only additional bonus to damage will be applied

  • val: additional increase to unit's maximum damage, points


Affected unit can not be controlled by player and instead it will attempt to move and attack nearest unit, friend or foe


Affected unit's defense is reduced to 0 and is transferred to attack with specified multiplier

  • val: multiplier factor with which defense is transferred to attack (percentage)


Affected unit is considered to be hypnotized and will be controlled by enemy player


Affected unit will never retaliate to an attack (Blind, Paralyze)



Affected unit is immune to all negative spells of specified spell school

  • subtype: affected spell school


Blocks casting spells of the level above specified one in battles affected by this bonus

  • val: level above which spellcasting is blocked


Blocks casting of all spells in battles affected by this bonus


Affected unit will deal more damage in all attacks (Adela specialty)

  • val: additional damage, percentage


Affected heroes will be under effect of Disguise spell, hiding some of their information from opposing players

  • val: spell mastery level


Affected heroes will be under effect of Visions spell, revealing information of enemy objects in specific range

  • val: multiplier to effect range. Information is revealed within (val * hero spell power) range
  • subtype:
  • visionsMonsters: reveal information on monsters,
  • visionsHeroes: reveal information on heroes,
  • visionsTowns: reveal information on towns


Blocks casting spells of the level below specified one in battles affected by this bonus

  • val: level below which spellcasting is blocked


Dummy bonus that acts as marker for Dendroid's Bind ability


Dummy skill for alternative upgrades mod


Increases amount of information available in affected thieves guild (in town or in adventure map tavern). Does not affects adventure map object "Den of Thieves". You may want to use PLAYER_PROPAGATOR with this bonus to make its effect player wide.

  • val: additional number of 'levels' of information to grant access to


Internal bonus, do not use


When a unit affected by this bonus dies, no corpse is left behind


The unit affected by this bonus cannot be target of attacks or spells