// Type of this zone. Possible values are:
// "playerStart" - Starting zone for a "human or CPU" players
// "cpuStart" - Starting zone for "CPU only" players
// "treasure" - Generic neutral zone
// "junction" - Neutral zone with narrow passages only. The rest of area is filled with obstacles.
// "sealed" - Decorative impassable zone completely filled with obstacles
"type" : "playerStart",
// relative size of zone
"size" : 2,
// index of player that owns this zone
"owner" : 1,
// castles and towns owned by player in this zone
"playerTowns" : {
"castles" : 1
"towns" : 1
// castles and towns that are neutral on game start in this zone
"neutralTowns" : {
//"castles" : 1
"towns" : 1
// if true, all towns generated in this zone will belong to the same faction
"townsAreSameType" : true,
//"weak" "strong", "none" - All treasures will be unguarded
"monsters" : "normal",
//possible terrain types. All terrains will be available if not specified
"terrainTypes" : [ "sand" ],
// List of type hints for every town, in the order of placement. First present hint if used for each town
"townHints" : [
// Main town has same type as main town type in zone 1
"likeZone" : 1,
// 2nd town matches terrain type of zone 4
"relatedToZoneTerrain" : 4
// 3rd town type cannot match any of the following zones. Can be integer or vector of integers
"notLikeZone" : [1, 2, 3, 4]
//optional, list of explicitly banned terrain types
"bannedTerrains" : ["lava", "asphalt"]
// if true, terrain for this zone will match native terrain of player faction. Used only in owned zones
"matchTerrainToTown" : false,
// Mines will have same configuration as in linked zone
"minesLikeZone" : 1,
// Treasures will have same configuration as in linked zone
"treasureLikeZone" : 1,
// Terrain type will have same configuration as in linked zone
"terrainTypeLikeZone" : 3,
// Custom objects will have same configuration as in linked zone
"customObjectsLikeZone" : 1,
// factions of monsters allowed on this zone
"allowedMonsters" : ["inferno", "necropolis"]
// These monsers will never appear in the zone
"bannedMonsters" : ["fortress", "stronghold", "conflux"]
// towns allowed on this terrain
"allowedTowns" : ["castle", "tower", "rampart"]
// towns will never spawn on this terrain
"bannedTowns" : ["necropolis"]
// List of mines that will be added to this zone
"mines" : {
"wood" : 1,
"ore" : 1,
// List of treasures that will be placed in this zone
"treasure" : [
"min" : 2100,
"max": 3000,
"density" : 5
// Objects with different configuration than default / set by mods
"customObjects" :
// All of objects of this kind will be removed from zone
// Possible values: "all", "none", "creatureBank", "bonus", "dwelling", "resource", "resourceGenerator", "spellScroll", "randomArtifact", "pandorasBox", "questArtifact", "seerHut", "other
"bannedCategories" : ["all", "dwelling", "creatureBank", "other"],
// Specify object types and subtypes
"bannedObjects" :["core:object.randomArtifactRelic"],
// Configure individual common objects - overrides banned objects
"id" : "core:object.creatureBank.dragonFlyHive",
"rmg" : {
"value" : 9000,
"rarity" : 500,
"zoneLimit" : 2