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News from September 2017

New website, forum and more

The VCMI project now has a modern, static website using Hugo as generator. Everybody is welcome to contribute on GitHub. Links are provided for all of our social networks, so check them out and follow if you want to be notified when the next stable version is released.

Many thanks to DigitalOcean for providing us with servers for the new Discourse forum that replaces phpBB2. Discourse is a modern forum software that provides many useful features and looks much better on mobile devices. We’ve also implemented single-sign-on; once you’ve registered on Discourse, you can login on the wiki and bug tracker with single click.

macOS support is restored

After several years, we’ve started shipping working builds for Mac again. All you need to do is download the latest DMG and copy your original game data to the specified directory. See the macOS installation page download links and full instructions.

Newer Android builds are available

While Android support is not yet fully integrated into our continuous integration, newer APKs for VCMI are available for download. The builds are still lagging behind latest version, but they’re in much better shape compared to the older 0.97 version.

Development on Windows become much easier

If you ever had problems with building VCMI on Windows now it's a good time to give it a try. Our wiki now has instructions on setting up the build environment on Windows, and there is a archive with all required libraries, tested by continuous integration. Everything is working out of the box and can be set up in minutes. We’ve switched to Microsoft's Vcpkg to build dependencies and our CMake configuration is updated to generate nice-looking projects for Visual Studio.

There are Linux and macOS improvements too

Now VCMI will always run properly from build output directory and the development version won't be affected by another version of VCMI installed system-wide.