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VCMI 1.3.0 released

VCMI project doesn't stop! In release 1.3 we focused on player feedback and user experience. This includes quality-of-life GUI improvements and fixing issues that could spoil the look and feel of beloved Heroes game.

Major improvements include:

Scalable user interface

GUI size can be freely changed without exiting the game. Also, we now offer smooth map zoom - that's something certainly no other platform allows.

Touchscreen improvements

Mobile players, who turned out to be a majority of our userbase, will appreciate GUI improvements targeted at touchscreen devices. This includes radial menu for army management, swipe and pinch gesture support, as well as haptic feedback.

Random Map Generator

RMG got a number of improvements and fixes, based on suggestions of PvP community and random map experts. All options from original Shadow of Death are supported, but we also added some more for extra flexibility. About every aspect of map generation was improved.

Improved Adventure AI

NKAI got significant boost. Not only does it play better in general, but also many existing issues and loopholes were found and fixed. Now AI does exactly what it was meant to do, that is to pose a challenge to human player.

Fixed Campaigns

Now they work correctly and are fully playable, from start to finish. However, be aware that game saves from older versions are not supported.

HoTA map support

VCMI can now load and run Horn of the Abyss maps. They provide some decent content for single player enthusiasts.

There are many, many other improvments in different areas - make sure to see our changelog.

The project is constantly moving forward. For the next release we plan to focus on PvP playability.