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Horn of the Abyss


Work-in-progress VCMI port of Horn of the Abyss expansion made by Hota Crew




Hota Crew, ported by VCMI Team & edeksumo & avatar



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Horn of the Abyss

HotA campaign heroes in maps



Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Beatrice Beatrice was a talented follower of Erathian scouts - not yielding much to famous elven pathfinders. Talents of the girl had been noticed by Catherine herself and thence former scout became a general.
However, her skills are still with her, she is one of the best at her cause.
female Scouting
Ranloo Folowing the dream of his childhood Ranloo bound himself as an apprentice to a local farrier - master Mestley. But instead of ancient blacksmith's lore he got a bite to his neck and a gaping pit somewhere in the forest of Talon.
Nobody can imagine how Ranloo got out of that forest. However, everyone knows well that his diadem of a Master Blacksmith Ranloo has taken from a dead body of his mentor, after a precise shot with self-made ballista.
male Ballista
Kinkeria Kinkeria was one of the most respected witches of her tribe. She was always seeking for knowledge, and it was easy for her to comprehend the essence of any phenomena. She has been given such tasks over which many wisemen remained puzzled for years.
With that being said, it was no surprise when she offered her service to the king of Tatalia.
female Learning

Heroes III data patch

Map objects

Neutral creatures


Name Image Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Satyr 4 10 11 6 - 10 7 35 4 550
Fangarm 5 12 12 8 - 12 6 50 3 900
Leprechaun 2 8 5 3 - 5 5 15 9 208
Steel Golem 4 10 11 6 - 8 6 45 4 597

Cove music theme by Heroes Orchestra

Map format support

Interference skill


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Giselle A fair took place once in the village where Giselle lived. An old druid from a nearby grove agreed to show the villagers a few simple magic tricks. Nothing he tried seemed to work out, but the old man was able to accurately pinpoint the grinning girl in the front row as the cause of his woes. female Interference

Cove faction


Name Image Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Ayssid 4 11 8 6 - 10 11 30 4 645
Corsair 3 10 8 3 - 7 7 15 7 336
Crew Mate 2 7 4 2 - 4 5 15 9 155
Haspid 7 29 20 30 - 55 12 300 1 7220
Nix 6 13 16 18 - 22 6 80 2 1415
Nix Warrior 6 14 17 18 - 22 7 90 2 1719
Nymph 1 5 2 1 - 2 6 4 16 57
Oceanid 1 6 2 1 - 3 8 4 16 75
Pirate 3 8 6 3 - 7 6 15 7 299
Sea Witch 5 12 7 10 - 14 6 35 3 790
Sea Dog 3 12 11 3 - 7 8 15 7 370
Seaman 2 8 6 3 - 4 6 15 9 174
Sea Serpent 7 22 16 30 - 55 9 180 1 3953
Sorceress 5 12 9 10 - 16 7 35 3 852
Stormbird 4 10 8 6 - 9 9 30 4 502
Blackbeard 0 5 5 6 - 12 4 40 9 156




Name Description Schools Image
Special Clone {Specialist's Basic Clone}

Creates 2 duplicates of the selected unit stack. The image is dispelled if it is attacked.
Clones creatures of levels 1-5.


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Anabel To anger the daughter of Earless Nylse means to sign a death pact. Every pirate understands that there is no woman more deadly and insidious than Anabel. Her father was one of the cruelest corsairs, and his daughter follows his steps. Her grace and skill encourages men to fight at their limits. female Pirates
Andal While being an experienced pirate, Andal did not always consider himself as a mage or a rogue. He was an ordinary merchant until bankrupting and getting too many debts one day. He started searching for a way to get fast and easy money. After leaving his home, he shortly returned as a known smuggler. He usually trades gems and mountain crystals. It is a mystery where he gets them from, however. male +1 Crystal
Astra There is little known about Astra's past, and she does not hurry to tell much. The only detail known is that she visited almost every corner of the world in order to master the Water Magic. She fulfilled her wish of mastering this school after joining the Sea Priestesses. female Cure
Bidley Bidley is one of the most successful pirates operating near Erathia shores. He is ready to accept any challenge and is able to emerge unscathed from any situation. It seems like he has a rival in every world's corner, but he is always able to escape the trouble. Apart from being an excellent warrior, having artisan skills in both pistol and sabre wielding, he also trains his crew personally. male Sea Dogs
Casmetra The leader of the mysterious priestesses' cult that worships the sea has stepped out from the shadows not so long ago. Nobody knows whom this woman was and where did she came from. However, everyone who met Casmetra mentions her beauty and her power in magic. Many believed that she joined the pirates in pursuit of her own goals. However, with years to pass the priestesses and the corsairs became closest allies. female Sea Witches
Cassiopeia It is said that Cassiopeia was the lover of some Regnan mage, and fell victim to one of his unsuccessful experiments. It is unknown if it is truly possible to turn an alive soul into a nymph. All that is known is that other nymphs accept Cassiopeia for more than an equal kind. They gladly follow her into the battle. female Nymphs
Corkes Not many wish to get into Corkes' enemy list. This quick-tempered pirate is one of the most experienced and cruel sea dogs. Many merchants know that it is better to submit the goods willingly than to start a suicidal battle with him. He is easily distinguishable by the eye patch that he never takes off. male Offense
Dargem Dargem's personality is surrounded by mystery. They say that he alone captured a fort; the defenders' arrows simply could not reach him. Dargem used to live in the dungeons of Nighon, and was one of the apprentice warlocks. He doesn't like to talk much about this period of his life. Everyone knows, however, that his knowledge of Nighonian magic is his ace. Many are convinced that attacking his ship with cannons and arrows is a waste of time. male Air Shield
Derek Derek was one of the slaves on the galleys. He started the riot once with other captives, and after killing the owners, captured the ship. Since then, Derek and his crew joined the Regna pirates. He is different from other captains in his will to work with other crewmen. He also never inflicts physical punishment. male Crew Mates
Elmore Since a young age, Elmore has dreamt about becoming a great sailor. Spending years far from the shore, he has put a lot of effort to make his dream come true. Many pirate captains are famous for their skill of navigation, but Elmore is capable of true magic even onboard the poorest junk. male Navigation
Eovacius Eovacius never learned magic. All his magical talent was inborn. He was raised in a maritime city where he used his talent to steal on the markets. He became a prosperous and influential man until he got too many annoying and powerful rivals in the government. After that, the natural born mage left his homeland and chose the life of a pirate. male Clone
Illor Illor fled from AvLee after his kin was fed up with such a heavily proud spirit. He couldn't bear anyone to be higher than himself. This obsession with a high position in the society led him to studying sky creatures eventually. After lengthy roaming across seas, he understood his lousiness as a pirate. The crew doesn't respect him, and the prey always escapes. Lonely and abandoned, he descended upon an island where giant birds were nesting. Illor spent some time on the island, taming the birds to his command. male Stormbirds
Jeremy Brother of legendary Bidley. Not as harsh and lucky, Jeremy loves fun, brewages, and beautiful women. He has a thing for weapons and collects all the newest inventions. A shot thunder is more pleasing for him than any music. Crewmen say that he is able to kill a gull a hundred feet away from a cannon. male Cannon
Leena Leena was a daughter of a noble from one of the maritime cities of Erathia. Having a wild spirit since childhood, she escaped on a stolen family caravel when her father attempted to marry her off. Surprisingly, she was able to find a common language with the pirates of Regna. She is probably valued for her spirit and numerous connections on the land that she uses to operate her smuggling. female +350 Gold
Manfred Even the most vicious pirate hunters stay away from this outlander. Nobody knows where Manfred came from, but it is known that he can wage fire on galleons with a single hand swing. Pirates dislike Manfred for his horrible accent and his not any less horrible character; however, they respect him as a mercenary battle mage. male Fireball
Miriam This girl has a dark past. Once a ranger, she could see the enemies and obstacles from the farthest distance away. After a disagreement with her "colleagues," she joined the pirates. She got the nickname "Sharp-eye" amongst the bandits. female Scouting
Spint Spint once was a very talented apprentice mage learning at the academy in Bracada. He was caught by the Krewlod barbarians and sold as a slave on a galley. The galley captain noticed his magical power and offered him a boatswain position. Now Spint is a captain himself. He sinks the ships near the shores of Krewlod and enjoys his new life. male Sorcery
Tark He is a king of a half-legendary sea kin that was counted extinct. Tark realized that in order for his people to return he has to get help from powerful allies. Pirates became his new brothers in arms. As all nix, he is a powerful warrior, able to fight on land and sea. Other nix praise him and hold him as a great example. male Nix
Zilare Zilare was the Keeper of the Library somewhere in Erathia. He dedicated his life to books and learning, living the life of a true archivist. Zilare could not keep everything in his head, however. Sometimes he would forget more than he learned during the day. Once he was accused of stealing an especially rare book and was forced to flee. He served as a cook on a pirate ship for some time but later gained fame as a proficient mage. They say that due to constant training in spirit and will, he learned to control the memory of both allies and enemies. male Forgetfulness



Name Description Schools Image
Summon Fangarms water


Name Description Slot Image
Cape of Silence {Cape of Silence}

While wearing this cape, neither you nor your opponent will be able to cast level 1-2 spells during combat.
Crown of the Five Seas {Crown of the Five Seas}

Worn on the head, this item increases your Knowledge skill by 6.
Demon's Horseshoe {Demon's Horseshoe}

Decreases enemy's Luck by 1.
Diplomat's Cloak {Diplomat's Cloak}

Allows your hero to retreat or surrender when battling neutral monsters or defending a town. Multiplies your hero army strength by 3 (for neutral armies and Thieves guild). NOT IMPLEMENTED in VCMI yet
Golden Goose {Golden Goose}

When equipped, the Golden Goose increases your income by a total of 7000 gold per day.
Hideous Mask {Hideous Mask}

Decreases enemy's Morale by 1.
Horn of the Abyss {Horn of the Abyss}

Using the spell of Horn of the Abyss, you can rise Fangarms from any corpses from both side, except non-living creatures.
Pendant of Downfall {Pendant of Downfall}

Worn about the neck, this item decreases enemy's Morale by 2.
Pendant of Reflection {Pendant of Reflection}

Increases your Magic Resistance additionally by 20%.
Ring of Oblivion {Ring of Oblivion}

When worn, makes all losses in the battle irrevocable. PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED in VCMI.
Ring of Suppression {Ring of Suppression}

Worn on the finger, this ring decreases enemy's Morale by 1.
Royal Armor of Nix {Royal Armor of Nix}

Worn on the torso, this item increases your Power skill by +6.
Runes of Imminency {Runes of Imminency}

Decrease enemy's Luck by 1.
Shaman's Puppet {Shaman's Puppet}

Decreases enemy's Luck by 2.
Shield of Naval Glory {Shield of Naval Glory}

This left-handed item increases your Defense skill by 7.
Trident of Dominion {Trident of Dominion}

This right-handed weapon increases your Attack skill by 7.
Wayfarer's Boots {Wayfarer's Boots}

Worn on the feet, these boots allow your hero to move over rough terrain without penalty.
Ironfist Of The Ogre {Ironfist Of The Ogre}

At the beginning of every combat casts Haste, Bloodlust, Fire Shield and Counterstrike spells on expert level on all of your creatures for fifty rounds.
Charm of Eclipse {Charm Of Eclipse}

This item reduces the Power skill of enemy hero by 10% during combat.
Seal of Sunset {Seal of Sunset}

Worn on a finger, this item reduces the Power skill of enemy hero by 10% during combat.
Plate of Dying Light {Plate of Dying Light}

Worn on a torso, this item reduces the Power skill of enemy hero by 25% during combat.



Name Image Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Cannon 6 20 10 4 - 7 0 250 0 1637


Name Description Slot Image
Cannon {Cannon}

Use this war machine to target your enemy troops and fortifications in combat.

Conflux - Vault of Ashes

Magical terrains


Highlands terrain

Game balance

Less random start

Changed shooting visuals

New adventure map graphics for towns & creatures

Map decorations

Wasteland terrain