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Retreat Town ported from vcmi




XEricSin, Zeryss, acidchalk, avatar.



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Name Image Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Hulu Leaf 1 4 3 1 - 3 4 5 14 73
Hulu Flover 1 5 3 1 - 3 5 6 14 84
Monkey 2 5 4 2 - 3 5 10 9 143
Monkey Elder 2 6 6 3 - 4 8 16 9 243
Dhuta Seeker 4 9 9 5 - 9 5 40 4 553
Dhuta Walker 4 12 9 5 - 9 7 40 4 1191
Sword Keeper 3 7 7 3 - 6 6 25 7 347
Sword Rider 3 9 7 4 - 6 10 25 7 403
Snake Grasper 5 6 12 9 - 10 6 45 3 781
Snake Bearer 5 13 10 10 - 14 7 55 3 1086
Dragon Turtle 6 13 13 16 - 20 8 90 2 1664
Bi Xi 6 15 15 16 - 20 10 110 2 2094
Kodama 0 5 5 15 - 15 5 60 1 1021
Fire Dragon 7 18 16 40 - 50 12 180 1 4556
Jade Dragon 7 24 30 40 - 50 17 300 1 9341
Silver Dragon 7 30 35 50 - 60 17 400 1 16750
Great Deer 6 15 15 16 - 20 10 110 2 2057
White Deer 6 13 13 16 - 20 8 90 2 1713
Golden Folangji 6 10 10 2 - 4 0 280 0 650




Name Description Slot Image
Golden Folangji {Golden Folangji}

After shooting, there's 20% chance for Lightning Strike.


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Ding Chan Before becoming a monk, Ding Chan was Meng Die's husband. One night, he received a heavenly revelation and soon realised his fate. male Dispel
Fa Hai Fa Hai is a pioneer in practicing exorcism. He believes that the souls should enter the afterworld after the death of the bodies. male Dhuta Seekers
Fu Gui Fu Gui is born a successful merchant and entrepreneur. His capability and personality are both highly recognised by the folks. male Estates
Han You Han Yu is a professional contract killer. If you want to do business with him, make sure you have enough money. male Sword Keepers
Huang Pao With strong Taoist power, Huang Pao is able to travel between the worlds of the living and the dead. However, he was expelled from the Taoist Alliance for practicing prohibited dark magics. male Resurrection
Lu Da Shi Lu Da Shi is such a mysterious person who can manipulate the weather and geography to his advantage. male Mysticism
Lv Mu Lv Mu is a giant snake and possesses the ability to control the mind of all breeds of snakes. female Snake Graspers
Meng Die Meng Die was Ding Chan's wife. Soaked with sorrow and hate after his leave, she has locked herself in the study of corpse magics. female Sorrow
Shan Xian Sheng Shan Xian Sheng is a descendant of the Fu Xi Clan. He is an expert at Bagua and Fortune Telling. male Earth Magic
Sun Xiao Hou Sun Xiao Hou is a monkey from the Waterfall Cave. His ambition is to become a great monkey as the Monkey King Sun Wukong. male Monkeys
Sun Ying Sun Ying is the shadow of the Monkey King Sun Wukong. He has inherited Wukong's integrity and toughness, but he is not able to well control his anger and recklessness. male Armorer
Wang Quan Wang Quan is a master of sword and has a high position in the Taoist Alliance. Few have seen him using a sword. male Ammo Cart
Xiao Kui Xiao Kui is a plant that has gained the human form. She is able to devour monsters to grow herself. As she grows, buds sprout out of her body. Once the buds mature and fall off her body, they become her familiars. female Offence
Xiao Qing Xiao Qing is a flying snake that has gained human form through hundreds of years of Taoist practice. female Logistics
Yan Yan is a survivor of the devastated Tu Shan Clan, which was one of the largest clan in land. male Sorcery
Ye Ye Ye Ye is the keeper of the Hulu Mountain and an admirable expert in botany. Not long ago, a pangolin dug through the mountain and accidentally released the sealed evil spirits. The old man is now calling up the 7 Hulu Brothers to hunt down the evil spirits again. male Hulu Leaves